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企业文化英文 企业文化 英文


1 ( zosoft vision ) soft vision: let Chinese enterprise information together with the world
2 soft slogan: ( zosoft slogan ) soft power with your peers
3 core culture: ( Cultural core ) constant respect for people and adhere to the perfect occupation ethics spirit of enterprise:
4 ( Enterprise Spirit ) for the good of others promise enterprise style:
5 ( Business style ) completes the process tracking fruit with
6 ideas: ( employment ideality ) with the first education not race horses
7 candidates: ( Selection principle ) principle of fair, just, open, transparent
8 criteria: ( Employment standards ) confidence passion innovation good faith cooperation


Our visions are:
Create a manufacturing industry titanium material quality Chinese run by private capital first brand.
Our missions are:
With raise titanium material to synthesize competition ability and industry level for oneself to allow, be absorbed in titanium metal product of manufacturing and service is the economic development of China to contribute strength.
Our aims are:
Create to be worth of for customer, create a welfare for employee and win profits for business enterprise.
Our spirits are:
Is united at heart to create together, together put together a share
The core value is:
Guest's door:The heart that creates special value for the customer is constant for 100 years
Member work:It's constant for 100 years to achieve the employee's heart
Matter industry:It's constant for 100 years to achieve the heart of big industry
Regiment brigade:There is no perfect individual, only have perfect team
Feeling boon:Take feeling grateful as glory to take ingratitude as a disgrace
The core principle is:
Exist a principle:Only proper way, so as to grow to save.
Start a business principle:Energetic and daring not at continuously struggle temporarily is a hero.
Develop a principle:Offer material self, achieve greater self.
Sell a principle:Sell everythings all for the sake of the love.
Service principle:Take customer as center, serve with the love.
Brand principle:The quality is the life of brand, the brand is a wealthy source.
Work principle:Doing the method that is simple to extreme achievement is to extremely recruit.
BE person's principle:The Qing wealth gathers a person, the quantity tolerates a person;The body leads a person first, the Lyu F takes a person.
Use person's principle:Position the first, ability the second.
Salary principle:Have results to show a fruit to there is guerdon, having not results to show the fruit is humiliation.
Carry out a principle:The speed first, perfect second.
Organize a principle:Want to organize need, organize want.
Achievement principle:Focuse process, break a core obstacle.












With the continuous development of market economy and the marketization degree of deepening, the focus of competition between enterprises has been transfer. From product competition to brand competition, and finally to the culture of competition. Products will become obsolete, brand aging, corporate culture is the only thing can make the company continue to grow stronger. If an enterprise to long-term survival and development must have certain enterprise culture support. Our company in exploring and developing unceasingly, formed in line with the industry's core values, corporate culture system with the characteristic of network in the new company.

Corporate culture, are not created, soil and climate are necessary to produce it. Corporate culture based on reality, can very good condensed summary enterprise present ethos and mental outlook; To lead to real again at the same time, the enterprise pursues the idea of spiritual realm on the basis of the existing high, lead the people to have a vision.

Our dreams, as a new definition: anhui new net is a continuous innovation, with "for anhui enterprises to provide professional, efficient and reliable Internet service, set up the modern advanced science and technology management consciousness, the new era to create a first-class brand of huizhou merchants" as the mission of the Internet services company. It expounds the new dream, all net and fight for our dream.

Goal, that is, we do concrete work direction. Use of baidu's platform, for customers to do network marketing, as well as improve customer productivity to improve the quality of new their social network. Customers and we use baidu as a bridge and achieve a win-win situation.

Principle, down-to-earth, seeking truth from facts. Is the customer in daily communication, must grasp the principle, to ensure that all the work has a good tone, better to win the trust of customers. On this basis, the innovation of our a bit, with data, the pursuit of belong to us a better development.

Management, planning and execution, can be in harmony are an organic whole, I think that three blend mutually. Plan, you need to perform to embody the utility, perform under good management to achieve the ideal effect. As a network, between the three we have to focus on at the same time, the particular order. As a newcomer, daily written work plan tomorrow, need to be executed the next day, how to ensure effective implementation, this needs self management and upper management. It's in personal work system reflects the relationship between the three, up to a department, or a company, the relationship will reflect more obvious.

Study, now companies are emphasized the importance of a learning team. An employee, progress in the study, a company, gradually to the powerful in continuous learning. Net new development for ten years, from a few people to hundreds of big team now, and continues to expand, the official net new achievements continuously in the study. We should always keep learning attitude, and constantly improve the self.

Team, a good company, good operation, good development, must need a good team. So far to the size of the new development, cannot leave the good leadership, cannot leave a high cohesion of the team. As a big team, we must each of us need to work hard.

What is the quality? What is a moral? As a newcomer, elaborate design, attention to detail, one-time doing things right, integrity, abide by, supervision, and battle damage the interests of the company. This is not just the quality of life need, is also necessary to the quality of a company. Have the basic qualities and moral, to ensure that our net new mission to get the best execution. For anhui enterprises to provide professional, efficient and reliable Internet service, set up the modern advanced science and technology management consciousness, create a new era of first-class brand of huizhou merchants.




企业文化专员 英文怎么说

corporate culture attache


公司宗旨: 诚信、求实、开拓、创新
The Objects of Corporation: Honesty, Realistic, Exploration, Innovation

公司追求: 每个细节都精工细作
The Pursuit of Corporation: Pay specifically attention to the details.

公司理念: 质量才是硬道理
Corporation Philosophy: Quality is the constant principle.

公司方针: 融科学管理 创亿欧欧品牌 争优质高效 求创新发展
Corporation Policy: Based on Scientific Management
To build up Yioou Brand
Struggling for high quality and efficiency
Seeking for sustainable innovation and development

《企业文化手册》 英文怎么说

"Corporate Culture Handbook"


Corporate Culture
Corporate Values



公司宗旨: 诚信、求实、开拓、创新
The Objects of Corporation: Honesty, Realistic, Exploration, Innovation

公司追求: 每个细节都精工细作
The Pursuit of Corporation: Pay specifically attention to the details.

公司理念: 质量才是硬道理
Corporation Philosophy: Quality is the constant principle.

公司方针: 融科学管理 创亿欧欧品牌 争优质高效 求创新发展
Corporation Policy: Based on Scientific Management
To build up Yioou Brand
Struggling for high quality and efficiency
Seeking for sustainable innovation and development



企业理念的英文:corporate philosophy corporate 读法 英 [ˈkɔːpərət] 美 [ˈkɔːrpərət] adj.公司的;组成公司(或团体)的;法人的;社团的;全体的;共同的 短语: 1、corporate image 企业形象;公司形象 2、corporate finance 公司金融;公司理财;公司融资 3、corporate management 公司管理部门;公司主管人员 4、corporate social responsibility 企业的社会责任 5、corporate strategy 公司策略 扩展资料company 读法 英 ['kʌmp(ə)nɪ] 美 ['kʌmpəni] 1、n. 公司;陪伴,同伴;连队 2、vi. 交往 3、vt. 陪伴 短语: 1、in company 一起;当众 2、company with 奉陪;与…一起 3、for company 陪伴,作伴 4、trading company 贸易公司 5、insurance company 保险公司 词义辨析: firm, company, corporation这组词都有“公司”的意思,其区别是: 1、firm 含义广泛,可指公司、商行或商号。规模可大可小,经营、管理的人员可多可少。 2、company 多指生产或销售产品的公司、商号,也可指经办服务性项目的公司。 3、corporation 多指一个人拥有或多人联办的大公司,也指在其它地区或国家拥有分公司的公司。


Understanding of corporate culture in the company




quality品质; quest探寻; property性能; quick快捷; profit利益; pro赞同; capability能力、性能; competitive有竞争力; curiosity好奇; care关怀; comfort舒适 youth年轻; yea耶; you您; yearning渴望;


1, what is corporate culture? Enterprise culture is to show the enterprise in the practice of the socialist market economy, gradually form for all staff identity, abide by, with the characteristics of the enterprise values. Principles of operation, management style, enterprise spirit, moral norms and the sum of development goals. Enterprise culture is formed in the cultural concepts, historical tradition, common values, ethics and code of conduct such as the ideology of the enterprise, business leaders to culture change people's function is applied to the enterprise, in order to solve the problems in the modern enterprise management, has the enterprise culture. Enterprise management theory and enterprise culture management theory are pursue benefit. But the former in the pursuit of benefits and take people as the object, the latter for the pursuit of benefits consciously applied to the enterprise culture concept, with rich creative people as the center of the management theory. This kind of guiding ideology reflected in the enterprise management, there will be a people called the values of enterprise culture.


corporation culture




公司宗旨: 诚信、求实、开拓、创新
The Objects of Corporation: Honesty, Realistic, Exploration, Innovation

公司追求: 每个细节都精工细作
The Pursuit of Corporation: Pay specifically attention to the details.

公司理念: 质量才是硬道理
Corporation Philosophy: Quality is the constant principle.

公司方针: 融科学管理 创亿欧欧品牌 争优质高效 求创新发展
Corporation Policy: Based on Scientific Management
To build up Yioou Brand
Struggling for high quality and efficiency
Seeking for sustainable innovation and development






企业文化,或称组织文化(Corporate Culture或Organizational Culture),是一个组织由其价值观、信念、仪式、符号、处事方式等组成的其特有的文化形象,简单而言,就是企业在日常运行中所表现出的各方各面。 职工文化,也称企业职员文化,是与企业文化相对应的文化形态,职工文化以职工为本,是一种素质文化,企业文化以企业为本,是一种管理文化。 企业文化是在一定的条件下,企业生产经营和管理活动中所创造的具有该企业特色的精神财富和物质形态。它包括文化观念、价值观念、企业精神、道德规范、行为准则、历史传统、企业制度、文化环境、企业产品等。其中价值观是企业文化的核心。 企业文化是企业的灵魂,是推动企业发展的不竭动力。它包含着非常丰富的内容,其核心是企业的精神和价值观。这里的价值观不是泛指企业管理中的各种文化现象,而是企业或企业中的员工在从事经营活动中所秉持的价值观念。 扩展资料 企业文化由三个层次构成: (1)表面层的物质文化,称为企业的“硬文化”。包括厂容、厂貌、机械设备,产品造型、外观、质量等。 (2)中间层次的制度文化,包括领导体制、人际关系以及各项规章制度和纪律等。 (3)核心层的精神文化,称为“企业软文化”。包括各种行为规范、价值观念、企业的群体意识、职工素质和优良传统等,是企业文化的核心,被称为企业精神。 参考资料企业文化_百度百科




根据企业文化的定义,其内容是十分广泛的,但其中最主要的应包括如下几点:   经营哲学   经营哲学也称企业哲学,是一个企业特有的从事生产经营和管理活动的方法论原则。它是指导企业行为的基础。一个企业在激烈的市场竞争环境中,面临着各种矛盾和多种选择,要求企业有一个科学的方法论来指导,有一套逻辑思维的程序来决定自己的行为,这就是经营哲学。例如,日本松下公司“讲求经济效益,重视生存的意志,事事谋求生存和发展”,这就是它的战略决策哲学。北京蓝岛商业大厦创办于1994年,它以“诚信为本,情义至上”的经营哲学为指导,“以情显义,以义取利,义利结合”,使之在创办三年的时间内营业额就翻了一番,跃居首都商界第4位。   价值观念   所谓价值观念,是人们基于某种功利性或道义性的追求而对人们(个人、组织)本身的存在、行为和行为结果进行评价的基本观点。可以说,人生就是为了价值的追求,价值观念决定着人生追求行为。价值观不是人们在一时一事上的体现,而是在长期实践活动中形成的关于价值的观念体系。企业的价值观,是指企业职工对企业存在的意义、经营目的、经营宗旨的价值评价和为之追求的整体化、个异化的群体意识,是企业全体职工共同的价值准则。只有在共同的价值准则基础上才能产生企业正确的价值目标。有了正确的价值目标才会有奋力追求价值目标的行为,企业才有希望。因此,企业价值观决定着职工行为的取向,关系企业的生死存亡。只顾企业自身经济效益的价值观,就会偏离社会主义方向,不仅会损害国家和人民的利益,还会影响企业形象;只顾眼前利益的价值观,就会急功近利,搞短期行为,使企业失去后劲,导致灭亡。   企业精神   企业精神是指企业基于自身特定的性质、任务、宗旨、时代要求和发展方向,并经过精心培养而形成的企业成员群体的精神风貌。   企业精神要通过企业全体职工有意识的实践活动体现出来。因此,它又是企业职工观念意识和进取心理的外化。   企业精神是企业文化的核心,在整个企业文化中起着支配的地位。企业精神以价值观念为基础,以价值目标为动力,对企业经营哲学、管理制度、道德风尚、团体意识和企业形象起着决定性的作用。可以说,企业精神是企业的灵魂。   企业精神通常用一些既富于哲理,又简洁明快的语言予以表达,便于职工铭记在心,时刻用于激励自己;也便于对外宣传,容易在人们脑海里形成印象,从而在社会上形成个性鲜明的企业形象。如王府井百货大楼的“一团火”精神,就是用大楼人的光和热去照亮、温暖每一颗心,其实质就是奉献服务;西单商场的“求实、奋进”精神,体现了以求实为核心的价值观念和真诚守信、开拓奋进的经营作风。   企业道德   企业道德是指调整该企业与其它企业之间、企业与顾客之间、企业内部职工之间关系的行为规范的总和。它是从伦理关系的角度,以善与恶、公与私、荣与辱、诚实与虚伪等道德范畴为标准来评价和规范企业。   企业道德与法律规范和制度规范不同,不具有那样的强制性和约束力,但具有积极的示范效应和强烈的感染力,当被人们认可和接受后具有自我约束的力量。因此,它具有更广泛的适应性,是约束企业和职工行为的重要手段。中国老字号同仁堂药店之所以三百多年长盛不衰,在于它把中华民族优秀的传统美德融于企业的生产经营过程之中,形成了具有行业特色的职业道德,即“济世养身、精益求精、童叟无欺、一视同仁。”   团体意识   团体即组织,团体意识是指组织成员的集体观念。团体意识是企业内部凝聚力形成的重要心理因素。企业团体意识的形成使企业的每个职工把自己的工作和行为都看成是实现企业目标的一个组成部分,使他们对自己作为企业的成员而感到自豪,对企业的成就产生荣誉感,从而把企业看成是自己利益的共同体和归属。因此,他们就会为实现企业的目标而努力奋斗,自觉地克服与实现企业目标不一致的行为。   企业形象   企业形象是企业通过外部特征和经营实力表现出来的,被消费者和公众所认同的企业总体印象。由外部特征表现出来的企业的形象称表层形象,如招牌、门面、徽标、广告、商标、服饰、营业环境等,这些都给人以直观的感觉,容易形成印象;通过经营实力表现出来的形象称深层形象,它是企业内部要素的集中体现,如人员素质、生产经营能力、管理水平、资本实力、产品质量等。表层形象是以深层形象为基础,没有深层形象这个基础,表层形象就是虚假的,也不能长久地保持。流通企业由于主要是经营商品和提供服务,与顾客接触较多,所以表层形象显得格外重要,但这决不是说深层形象可以放在次要的位置。北京西单商场以“诚实待人、诚心感人、诚信送人、诚恳让人”来树立全心全意为顾客服务的企业形象,而这种服务是建立在优美的购物环境、可靠的商品质量、实实在在的价格基础上的,即以强大的物质基础和经营实力作为优质服务的保证,达到表层形象和深层形象的结合,赢得了广大顾客的信任。
企业制度   企业制度是在生产经营实践活动中所形成的,对人的行为带有强制性,并能保障一定权利的各种规定。从企业文化的层次结构看,企业制度属中间层次,它是精神文化的表现形式,是物质文化实现的保证。企业制度作为职工行为规范的模式,使个人的活动得以合理进行,内外人际关系得以协调,员工的共同利益受到保护,从而使企业有序地组织起来为实现企业目标而努力。   文化结构   企业文化结构是指企业文化系统内各要素之间的时空顺序,主次地位与结合方式,企业文化结构就是企业文化的构成、形式、层次、内容、类型等的比例关系和位置关系。它表明各个要素如何链接,形成企业文化的整体模式。即企业物质文化、企业行为文化、企业制度文化、企业精神文化形态。   企业使命   所谓企业使命是指企业在社会经济发展中所应担当的角色和责任。是指企业的根本性质和存在的理由,说明企业的经营领域、经营思想,为企业目标的确立与战略的制定提供依据。企业使命要说明企业在全社会经济领域中所经营的活动范围和层次,具体的表述企业在社会经济活动中的身份或角色。它包括的内容为企业的经营哲学,企业的宗旨和企业的形象。



公司宗旨: 诚信、求实、开拓、创新
The Objects of Corporation: Honesty, Realistic, Exploration, Innovation

公司追求: 每个细节都精工细作
The Pursuit of Corporation: Pay specifically attention to the details.

公司理念: 质量才是硬道理
Corporation Philosophy: Quality is the constant principle.

公司方针: 融科学管理 创亿欧欧品牌 争优质高效 求创新发展
Corporation Policy: Based on Scientific Management
To build up Yioou Brand
Struggling for high quality and efficiency
Seeking for sustainable innovation and development


专注于企业文化 的英文翻译是什么?

sb. be devoted to the company culture



Our visions are:
Create a manufacturing industry titanium material quality Chinese run by private capital first brand.
Our missions are:
With raise titanium material to synthesize competition ability and industry level for oneself to allow, be absorbed in titanium metal product of manufacturing and service is the economic development of China to contribute strength.
Our aims are:
Create to be worth of for customer, create a welfare for employee and win profits for business enterprise.
Our spirits are:
Is united at heart to create together, together put together a share
The core value is:
Guest's door:The heart that creates special value for the customer is constant for 100 years
Member work:It's constant for 100 years to achieve the employee's heart
Matter industry:It's constant for 100 years to achieve the heart of big industry
Regiment brigade:There is no perfect individual, only have perfect team
Feeling boon:Take feeling grateful as glory to take ingratitude as a disgrace
The core principle is:
Exist a principle:Only proper way, so as to grow to save.
Start a business principle:Energetic and daring not at continuously struggle temporarily is a hero.
Develop a principle:Offer material self, achieve greater self.
Sell a principle:Sell everythings all for the sake of the love.
Service principle:Take customer as center, serve with the love.
Brand principle:The quality is the life of brand, the brand is a wealthy source.
Work principle:Doing the method that is simple to extreme achievement is to extremely recruit.
BE person's principle:The Qing wealth gathers a person, the quantity tolerates a person;The body leads a person first, the Lyu F takes a person.
Use person's principle:Position the first, ability the second.
Salary principle:Have results to show a fruit to there is guerdon, having not results to show the fruit is humiliation.
Carry out a principle:The speed first, perfect second.
Organize a principle:Want to organize need, organize want.
Achievement principle:Focuse process, break a core obstacle.





1 ( zosoft vision ) soft vision: let Chinese enterprise information together with the world
2 soft slogan: ( zosoft slogan ) soft power with your peers
3 core culture: ( Cultural core ) constant respect for people and adhere to the perfect occupation ethics spirit of enterprise:
4 ( Enterprise Spirit ) for the good of others promise enterprise style:
5 ( Business style ) completes the process tracking fruit with
6 ideas: ( employment ideality ) with the first education not race horses
7 candidates: ( Selection principle ) principle of fair, just, open, transparent
8 criteria: ( Employment standards ) confidence passion innovation good faith cooperation


Inheriting the Yingli culture with thousands of years’ history and caring good life of people.




Our visions are:
Create a manufacturing industry titanium material quality Chinese run by private capital first brand.
Our missions are:
With raise titanium material to synthesize competition ability and industry level for oneself to allow, be absorbed in titanium metal product of manufacturing and service is the economic development of China to contribute strength.
Our aims are:
Create to be worth of for customer, create a welfare for employee and win profits for business enterprise.
Our spirits are:
Is united at heart to create together, together put together a share
The core value is:
Guest's door:The heart that creates special value for the customer is constant for 100 years
Member work:It's constant for 100 years to achieve the employee's heart
Matter industry:It's constant for 100 years to achieve the heart of big industry
Regiment brigade:There is no perfect individual, only have perfect team
Feeling boon:Take feeling grateful as glory to take ingratitude as a disgrace
The core principle is:
Exist a principle:Only proper way, so as to grow to save.
Start a business principle:Energetic and daring not at continuously struggle temporarily is a hero.
Develop a principle:Offer material self, achieve greater self.
Sell a principle:Sell everythings all for the sake of the love.
Service principle:Take customer as center, serve with the love.
Brand principle:The quality is the life of brand, the brand is a wealthy source.
Work principle:Doing the method that is simple to extreme achievement is to extremely recruit.
BE person's principle:The Qing wealth gathers a person, the quantity tolerates a person;The body leads a person first, the Lyu F takes a person.
Use person's principle:Position the first, ability the second.
Salary principle:Have results to show a fruit to there is guerdon, having not results to show the fruit is humiliation.
Carry out a principle:The speed first, perfect second.
Organize a principle:Want to organize need, organize want.
Achievement principle:Focuse process, break a core obstacle.





公司宗旨: 诚信、求实、开拓、创新
The Objects of Corporation: Honesty, Realistic, Exploration, Innovation

公司追求: 每个细节都精工细作
The Pursuit of Corporation: Pay specifically attention to the details.

公司理念: 质量才是硬道理
Corporation Philosophy: Quality is the constant principle.

公司方针: 融科学管理 创亿欧欧品牌 争优质高效 求创新发展
Corporation Policy: Based on Scientific Management
To build up Yioou Brand
Struggling for high quality and efficiency
Seeking for sustainable innovation and development

企业文化翻译 希望高手帮忙翻译下

Corporate culture, organizational culture, or (Corporate Culture or Organisational Culture), is an organization by its values, beliefs, rituals, symbols, ways of doing things, such as the composition of its unique cultural image
The function of corporate culture
Research on corporate culture, its aim is to use culture for the enterprises to play a role in the survival and development. So, what in the end corporate culture functions?
【A function of corporate culture-oriented】
The so-called function-oriented companies through its trade union leader and guide. Function-oriented corporate culture in the following two aspects.
1. Business philosophy and values to guide
Determines the operating philosophy of business thinking and the law to deal with the problem, these methods and rules to guide the operator to carry out a correct decision-making, guiding the use of scientific methods of staff engaged in production activities. Common values enterprise provides business value, so that the staff judge of things to reach a consensus with the value of the common goal of business leadership and staff in order to identify the value of their goals to action. American scholar Thomas Peters and Robert Waterman in "seeking the advantages of" one book that "all the best of our research are all very clear about what they were saying, and carefully set up and the formation of the company's values. The fact , a company the value of the lack of clear criteria or values is not correct, we suspect that it might be the success of the operation. "
2. Business goals of the guidelines
Business goals represent the direction of enterprise development, there is no equivalent to the right target disoriented. Corporate culture will be perfect from the reality, the attitude of the scientific system of legislation to target the development of enterprises, which must have a practical and scientific goals. Employees is under the direction of the goal to engage in production and operational activities.
【Second, corporate culture bound function】
Binding function of corporate culture is mainly through the improvement of management systems and code of ethics to achieve.
1. Effectively bound by rules and regulations
Enterprise system is one of the elements of corporate culture. Enterprise system is the internal laws and regulations, business leaders and workers must be observed and implemented to form the binding.
2. Code of Ethics bound
Code of ethics from the perspective of ethics to constrain the relationship between business leaders and trade union behavior. If people are contrary to the requirements of the Code of Ethics will be condemned by public opinion, psychologically feel guilt. Tongrentang pharmacy "to serve our health, excellence, fair trade, equal treatment," the code of ethics binding on all staff must operate in strict accordance with technical rules and strict quality control, strict enforcement of discipline.
【III cohesion function of corporate culture】
People-oriented corporate culture, respect for human feelings, which in the enterprise has led to a solidarity, a climate of mutual trust and harmony, and strengthen the group consciousness, so that enterprises between the strong cohesion and centripetal force. The formation of common values of the common goals and ideals of the corporate staff as a community of destiny, the job is to achieve common goals as an important component of the step across the enterprise to form a unified whole. At this time, "I Rong Xing factory, plant failure, I shame" from the heart of a trade union of sincere feelings of "love plant, such as home" will become their action.
【Fourth, the incentive function of corporate culture】
Common values so that each staff feel that they are acts of the existence and value of the realization of self-worth is the highest spiritual needs of a meet, this meet will become a powerful incentive. In people-oriented atmosphere of corporate culture, leadership and workers, between workers and trade unions on mutual concern and support. In particular the concern of leaders of trade unions, trade unions are respected, it will naturally inspire the spirit of hard work. In addition, entrepreneurship and corporate image of the enterprises have a great encouragement to the role, in particular the success of enterprise culture, have an impact in the community, the enterprises will have a strong sense of honor and pride, they will redouble their efforts to use their own practical actions to safeguard the honor and image of enterprises.
【V. adjustment function】
Adjustment is the adjustment and adaptation. Among the various departments and enterprises, between employees, due to various reasons will inevitably have some conflicts to resolve these contradictions are required to carry out self-regulation; business and the environment, and customers, and enterprises, and the State, and society will exist between the uncoordinated , not meet the Department, which also need to adjust and adapt. Corporate philosophy and business ethics so that the operators and the general staff of science to deal with these contradictions, consciously restrain himself. Perfect for the corporate image is the result of such adjustments. To adjust the actual function of the dynamic role of enterprises is also a manifestation of